Project Galen is an ongoing student developed, open-source, standards-based EHR system built for touch-screen tablet devices that access a database server rather than store data on the tablet. Project Galen employs user-centered design techniques that reduce the depth of hierarchical structures that are commonly found in menu-driven EHR systems. Development has progressed significantly past the initially reported design phase.
The previously reported1,2 phase of Project Galen was to design a user-centered EHR interface that is modular in nature and takes advantage of touch-based tablet form factor devices. The primary goal of the design is to minimize the number of steps it takes to perform a given task and to reduce the time and effort required to access patient information. In 2011 students built a browser-based prototype and database back-end based on this initial design.
The authors have re-architected the browser-based client to be an “app” client, leveraging the previous design and multi-layered architecture. The latest class of students then fleshed-out the design and functionality within this new app-based system.
The current version of Project Galen incorporates access to tablet hardware such as built-in camera, dynamically generated vector graphics and charts, multi-lingual user interface, and the ability for users to configure the server connection.
PhoneGap/iOS6/XCode 4.5.1 Bug
With the switch to iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5 Cordova (PhoneGap) would compile and run on the iOS simulator, but not on physical devices. The compile issue seems to have been a bug in Cordova which was fixed with the 2.2.0 version update ( released on October 27, 2012 at 4:42 p.m. As of the evening of October 28, 2012 we have updated and tested Galen and are now able to resume development.
Apple’s Developer Certificate Complexity
This is something of an irritant - especially with a project that extends over a significant period of time and involves many developers.
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